Emerge Recovery Center

Emerge Recovery Center

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation in Boynton Beach, FL

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Contact us


1105 N Federal Highway,
Boynton Beach , FL 33435 UNITED STATES

About Emerge Recovery Center

Have you ever heard that anything in life worthy of pursuing is not easy? Recovering from alcohol and/or substance abuse is certainly worth doing and is not simple. True recovery offers many more gifts than just a temporary release from the consequences of abuse. However, the journey begins with this relief. Emerge Recovery Center understands this journey and the best tools needed to prepare those on this path. We utilize proven treatment methods combined with customization for each individual client within a private setting. Our goal and desire is for each client to recover and experience a rich, satisfying life.

Business Hours : Mon – Fri 9:00AM - 4:30PM, Sat 9:00AM - 12:00PM


Emerge Recovery Center 844-495-0093
1105 N Federal Highway,
Boynton Beach , FL 33435 UNITED STATES
Emerge Recovery Center

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Company name
Emerge Recovery Center
Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
Not Rated
alcohol rehab,  addiction treatment
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Emerge Recovery Center

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