Panjab Tiffin Service

Panjab Tiffin Service

Restaurants in Langley City, BC


Contact us


5494 Salt Ln ,
Langley City , BC V3A 5C7 CANADA

About Panjab Tiffin Service

Panjab Tiffin Service was born out of this need for working families and international students looking for wholesome home cooked meals on a budget.The extra few hours spent grocery shopping and meal planning and cooking could be utilised more constructively by them. Infact the families of Owners get their daily tiffin from PTS too and have actually been able to save money on groceries besides the daily struggle of what to cook and the time spent cooking.

Working Hours : Mon-Fri: 9:00 am to 10:00 pm; Sun: 9:00 am to 10:00 pm; Sat: Closed


Panjab Tiffin Service 604-367-5499
5494 Salt Ln ,
Langley City , BC V3A 5C7 CANADA
Panjab Tiffin Service

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Panjab Tiffin Service
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Panjab Tiffin Service

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