HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette

HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette

Auto Repair in Wilmette, IL

Auto Repair

Contact us


1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES

About HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette

Our clients count on HEART to always provide outstanding service and auto repair to keep their vehicles safe and reliable on the road.


HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 3.8

Based on 10 reviews

HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
5 5

21 Years and Counting

I moved to Evanston about 21 years ago and Duxler has been my auto service center ever since. They never try to sell me service or parts unless they are truly required and their service is always prompt and high quality. A knowledgable...
posted at 10/22/10
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
1 5

What a total nightmare! You will be sick to your stomach!

I was in the car business for 11 years, so i know the tactics. They are upsell artists, they tell you anything to get you in the dooor and when you get you there they try to sell you everything under the sun. They stripped two lug nuts...
posted at 04/08/11
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
4 5


Duxler always takes care of me so I feel safe in my car!
posted at 10/04/10
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
4 5

Very Accomodating

My son is in town from Iowa for the weekend. He got in late last night with car trouble and a very tight schedule. Since everybody at the C of C breakfast seemed to think well of you and Duxler I took him over to your shop on Green Bay...
posted at 11/05/10
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
5 5

great all around

The Duxler guys give the best service available anywhere and at a reasonable price. I know my car will run well after a visit there, because they not only do the specified maintenance, but check all the other systems, too. It's routine...
posted at 09/28/10
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
4 5

Good Choice

The dealer gave us an estimate for some work on our car. We brought the list with us to Duxler, and they performed the same work ? but for $550 less than the dealer was charging!
posted at 02/08/11
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
5 5

Glad I Found Them

I learned of Duxler when I attended a local Chamber of Commerce meeting. I called for a quote when I needed new tires. They were the best. I went back for regular mechanical work. While doing my regular maintenance work they fixed an...
posted at 10/06/10
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
4 5

Great Place

Always a great experience bringing my cars in to Duxler. They are courteous, on time, and get the job done!
posted at 09/27/10
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
2 5

They are bad Business

They were okay with the customer service, but the work was filthy and so were the workers. I know they work all day but just appearance of this place wasn't a great start. They tired to charge me 45 for a basic oil change, how sad. = ( ...
posted at 02/17/11
HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette 847-251-3888
1201 Green Bay Rd,
Wilmette , IL 60091 UNITED STATES
4 5

Very Accomodating

My son is in town from Iowa for the weekend. He got in late last night with car trouble and a very tight schedule. Since everybody at the C of C breakfast seemed to think well of you and Duxler I took him over to your shop on Green Bay...
posted at 11/05/10

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HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette
Auto Repair
3.8 (10 reviews)
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HEART Certified Auto Care - Wilmette

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