Patrick Cadillac

Patrick Cadillac

Auto Dealers in Schaumburg, IL

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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526 Mall Dr,
Schaumburg , IL 60173 UNITED STATES

About Patrick Cadillac

Discover the warmth and welcome of a Chicago family with deep community roots. Discover American-made ownership benefits and attention to customer satisfaction that’s second to none, and you’ll discover a Cadillac from Patrick.
Since 1907, we’ve been helping Chicagoland Cadillac drivers conquer the country - and the Loop - with a wide selection of new and used Cadillacs and expert advice from our long-term employees who are passionate about what they do. So passionate in fact, that we’ve been awarded Cadillac Master Dealer honors for 25 years and have been inducted into the Cadillac Dealer Hall of Fame. Patrick Cadillac in Chicago has also earned an A+ rating by the Better Business Bureau.
We don’t just sell luxury cars, we sell Cadillacs.


Patrick Cadillac 847-605-4000
526 Mall Dr,
Schaumburg , IL 60173 UNITED STATES
Patrick Cadillac

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