Greenwood Podiatry

Greenwood Podiatry

Hospitals and Medical Centers in Greenwood, Western Australia

Hospitals and Medical Centers Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation

Contact us


116 Cockman Rd, 3A
Greenwood , Western Australia 6024 AUSTRALIA

About Greenwood Podiatry

Greenwood Podiatry is located inside the Kingsley Family Practice and is just one of our multiple clinics located North of the River. If you can't make it to Greenwood Podiatry for an appointment, contact us today and enquire about our other clinics located in the surrounding area. Our locations are convenient for you and give you a wide choice of days and times to book an appointment that fits around your busy work and life schedule.

Our friendly podiatrist at Greenwood Podiatry is Suzanne. Suzanne is a highly experienced senior podiatrist. Suzanne has over 20 years of experience in the podiatry industry. Suzanne has helped remote Aboriginal communities and has worked as a Diabetes Educator. Suzanne enjoys all aspects of podiatry including complicated biomechanical issues and general podiatry. Suzanne is a passionate diabetic specialist and looks forward to educating and taking care of diabetic patients.

Please contact us if you have any of the following. Foot or Ankle pain, Arch Pain, Heel Pain, Plantar Fasciitis, Shin Splints, Calf or Achilles Pain as well as growing pains in children. We love to help flat feet, ingrown toenails, foot or nail infections, difficult to cut toenails, hammertoes and feet with bunions.

Let us help you reduce the pain in your feet so that you can get back to doing all the things you love pain free!


Greenwood Podiatry 08 6269 2068
116 Cockman Rd, 3A
Greenwood , Western Australia 6024 AUSTRALIA
Greenwood Podiatry

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Greenwood Podiatry
Hospitals and Medical Centers
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foot doctor,  podiatrist,  podiatrists mortons neuroma
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Greenwood Podiatry

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