Leslie Heating & Cooling

Leslie Heating & Cooling

Contractors in Woodridge, IL

Contractors Plumbers and Heating Technicians

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6804 Hobson Valley Dr., Ste. 111
Woodridge , IL 60517 UNITED STATES

About Leslie Heating & Cooling

For 25 years Leslie Heating & Cooling has been providing exceptional customer service to clients throughout the Chicagoland area. We are family owned and operated business based in Woodridge, Illinois, and believe in traditional values with cutting-edge solutions. We serve our neighbors and communities with a traditional work ethic based on trust, honesty, honor, respect, courtesy, generosity, and personalized service. Our business is comprised of families serving other families with heating, air conditioning, and indoor air quality services. Whether you need professional maintenance on your furnace or air conditioner, or you need a brand new installation in your commercial establishment, our carefully selected and highly qualified team can handle the job.


Leslie Heating & Cooling 630-621-9419
6804 Hobson Valley Dr., Ste. 111
Woodridge , IL 60517 UNITED STATES
Leslie Heating & Cooling

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Leslie Heating & Cooling

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