Blazn Guns

Blazn Guns

Hunting and Fishing in Brinkley, Arkansas

Hunting and Fishing

Contact us


414 Dial Circle,
Brinkley , Arkansas 72021 UNITED STATES

About Blazn Guns

With access to over 7,000 acres of leases over a 35 mile area, Ducks-n-Dogs offers a wide array of Arkansas waterfowl hunting opportunities. From flooded fields of rice, beans, milo and corn, to flooded timber, river sloughs, and cypress swamps we offer a a variety of fully guided duck & goose hunting opportunities. Our guides scout the surrounding area daily to locate positions holding the largest concentrations of birds to assure you and your hunting group a great waterfowl hunting trip.


Blazn Guns 501-259-5926
414 Dial Circle,
Brinkley , Arkansas 72021 UNITED STATES
Blazn Guns

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Blazn Guns
Hunting and Fishing
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Blazn Guns

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