Pacific Attorney Group

Pacific Attorney Group

Lawyers and Law Firms in Murrieta, CA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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41120 Elm St,
Murrieta , CA 92562 UNITED STATES

About Pacific Attorney Group

Pacific Attorney Group is a law firm that represents victims of personal injuries throughout the Riverside area. We offer dedicated legal counsel for our clients in order to help them recover the highest amount of financial compensation possible for their particular cases. Our firm was established in 2003 and we have since dedicated all of our resources and experience to this particular field of law. We have three attorneys and a total of eighteen staff members at our firm to represent our clients and assist them with their personal injury claims and lawsuits.

Business hours: Mon- Fri -8:30AM -5:00 PM


Pacific Attorney Group 951-369-6666
41120 Elm St,
Murrieta , CA 92562 UNITED STATES
Pacific Attorney Group

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Pacific Attorney Group
Lawyers and Law Firms
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personal injury lawyer
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Pacific Attorney Group

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