Vert Shock

Vert Shock

Business To Business in Sunrise, Florida

Business To Business

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NW 37th St,
Sunrise , Florida 33323 UNITED STATES

About Vert Shock

Slam Dunk like a Pro, learn the secrets!

How to Slam Dunk, Basketball Pro Technique

Vert Shock is a digital, online membership site meaning you get instant access to all the materials and videos the second you join, even if its 4am. Since there’s nothing to mail and no physical books etc, we can keep our program really affordable, saving you a ton of money for all this cutting-edge training.

Vert Shock is safe and works for all ages and levels. The program requires no weights or special equipment and can be done at home. Exercise videos of each movement are included so there is no prior workout experience needed.


Vert Shock 614-249-95928
NW 37th St,
Sunrise , Florida 33323 UNITED STATES
Vert Shock

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Vert Shock
Business To Business
Not Rated
sport,  basket ball venues,  slam dunk
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Vert Shock

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