Sleep Apnea Kerrville

Sleep Apnea Kerrville

Health and Medical in Kerrville, TX

Health and Medical

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1426 Sidney Baker St.,
Kerrville , TX 78028 UNITED STATES

About Sleep Apnea Kerrville

Sometimes we make fun of snoring - but it can be a sign of sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea can reduce life expectancy by 20 years if left untreated. It also increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

You might have sleep apnea - and a simple dental device could make all the difference.

Sleep Apnea Kerrville is dedicated to help people manage insomnia, snoring and obstructive sleep apnea with dental appliances. The therapy we provide is sleep evaluations, sleep monitoring devices and a custom appliance selection and fabrication. Sleep Apnea Kerrville also offers oral appliance therapy. This is an affordable and comfortable alternative to the air breathing machines (CPAP) that have been used for so long.


Sleep Apnea Kerrville 830-460-6059
1426 Sidney Baker St.,
Kerrville , TX 78028 UNITED STATES
Sleep Apnea Kerrville

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Sleep Apnea Kerrville
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Sleep Apnea Kerrville

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