Law Office of Brian Holland, P.A.

Law Office of Brian Holland, P.A.

Lawyers and Law Firms in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Lawyers and Law Firms Insurance

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300 SW 1st Ave, Ste 155
Fort Lauderdale , FL 33301 UNITED STATES

About Law Office of Brian Holland, P.A.

If your property has suffered damage from a natural disaster, molding, or water damage, I will treat your case as if it was my own house. If you have been injured in an accident or have a loved one that was killed wrongfully, I will treat you as if you are a part of my own family. Count on my firm — the Law Office of Brian Holland, PA — to provide you with empathetic, effective representation. Schedule your free consultation today!


Law Office of Brian Holland, P.A. 954-283-4864
300 SW 1st Ave, Ste 155
Fort Lauderdale , FL 33301 UNITED STATES
Law Office of Brian Holland, P.A.

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