Gerdes Law Firn LLc

Gerdes Law Firn LLc

Lawyers and Law Firms in Hammond, LA

Lawyers and Law Firms

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106 N. Cypress St,
Hammond , LA 70401 UNITED STATES

About Gerdes Law Firn LLc

The Gerdes Law Firm has handled thousands of bankruptcy cases for clients from across South Louisiana. Our combined 50 years of experience in consumer bankruptcy, as well as business bankruptcy, has helped many people just like you resolve their financial hardships. While The Gerdes Law Firm can successfully handle your financial concerns, we are also experienced in Personal Injury, Wills, and Estate & Successions.


Gerdes Law Firn LLc 985-345-9404
106 N. Cypress St,
Hammond , LA 70401 UNITED STATES
Gerdes Law Firn LLc

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Gerdes Law Firn LLc
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Gerdes Law Firn LLc

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