Dr. Michael D. Murray

Dr. Michael D. Murray

Health and Medical in Panama City, FL

Health and Medical

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2507 Harrison Avenue,
Panama City , FL 32405 UNITED STATES

About Dr. Michael D. Murray

Dr. Michael Murray has always seen dentistry as more than a science. To him, dentistry is also an art. He gains inspiration and passion for cosmetic dentistry from the smiles and emotions he sees on his patients’ faces when they first set eyes on their beautiful new smiles. It is his appreciation for the aesthetics of modern dentistry that convinced Dr. Murray to open The Center for Cosmetic Dentistry in Panama City


Dr. Michael D. Murray 850-785-3758
2507 Harrison Avenue,
Panama City , FL 32405 UNITED STATES
Dr. Michael D. Murray

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Dr. Michael D. Murray
Health and Medical
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cosmetic dentistry,  tmj dentistry,  gum care
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Dr. Michael D. Murray

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