A+ Barber & Cosmo Academy

A+ Barber & Cosmo Academy

Barbers in Spring Valley, CA

Barbers Specialty Schools

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9732 Campo Rd, Room 2
Spring Valley , CA 91977 UNITED STATES

About A+ Barber & Cosmo Academy

At our barber academy, you will learn how to become a licensed barber in just two years. Our barber school focuses on an apprenticeship program so our students are able to get first hand experience in a barber shop. You will only be in a classroom one day a week for 5 hours. If you want to be a barber, enroll today!


A+ Barber & Cosmo Academy 619-836-5217
9732 Campo Rd, Room 2
Spring Valley , CA 91977 UNITED STATES
A+ Barber & Cosmo Academy

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A+ Barber & Cosmo Academy

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