Commercial Sewer & Drain Cleaning

Commercial Sewer & Drain Cleaning

Home Services in New York, NY

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13 Gold St,
New York , NY 10038 UNITED STATES

About Commercial Sewer & Drain Cleaning

Commercial services are vastly different from residential services, because commercial buildings are vastly different from residential ones. They don’t have the same kind of sewerage system and the drains are often localized or joined with a huge one that takes away drainage from a number of such buildings. Furthermore, many commercial buildings can be huge in size, requiring an extensive piping networking and an intricate drain system that does not interfere with the building’s structure. And the best people to do it all happen to be Victor Sewer and Drain Corp.


Commercial Sewer & Drain Cleaning 718-889-7538
13 Gold St,
New York , NY 10038 UNITED STATES
Commercial Sewer & Drain Cleaning

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