Hodgson's Pharmacy

Hodgson's Pharmacy

Pharmacies and Drugstores in Athens, GA

Pharmacies and Drugstores Malls and Shopping Centers Hospitals and Medical Centers

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1260 S Milledge Ave, Apt F-1
Athens , GA 30605 UNITED STATES

About Hodgson's Pharmacy

Hodgson's Pharmacy is a full service pharmacy happy to fill your needs. Serving Athens since 1956, we continue to be a thriving community center. Delicious hand dipped ice cream is $1 per scoop. Hodgson's Pharmacy also carries gifts for everyone...everything you may need from vintage style toys to canes. We have free local delivery Monday thru Friday and are committed to making you and your health our priority. Please let us know how we can care for you. Our parking lot is located in rear off of Milledge Terrace. Come on in for a smile with your prescription or just to say "Hello".


Hodgson's Pharmacy 706-543-7386
1260 S Milledge Ave, Apt F-1
Athens , GA 30605 UNITED STATES
Hodgson's Pharmacy

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Hodgson's Pharmacy

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