Journey Evolution

Journey Evolution

Business Consulting and Services in East Haven, CT

Business Consulting and Services

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65 Russo Ave,
East Haven , CT 06513 UNITED STATES

About Journey Evolution

If you find yourself hiding, afraid to pursue your dreams; if you find yourself jumping from relationship to relationship, constantly people pleasing, I know exactly how you feel.

Hello, I’m Anthony Butto.

Prior to becoming the confident, comfortable, and content person I am today, I was feeling lost, alone, and disconnected.

I was led by fear and poor decisions.

Like the time I got accepted to Berklee College of Music (Trey Parker, Quincy Jones, and members of Aerosmith are among their 107 Grammy Award-winning alumni), and I turned it down in favor of a smaller, “safer” school.

Even though I dreamed of being a rock star, and was a talented musician, I turned away the opportunity to be among the greats, because I was afraid.

I also spent 10 years in an unhealthy relationship with a woman. While at first it was fun and exciting, I couldn’t tell anyone about it and I slowly sunk into a pit of shame, secrecy, and self-loathing.


Journey Evolution 203-772-8930
65 Russo Ave,
East Haven , CT 06513 UNITED STATES
Journey Evolution

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Journey Evolution
Business Consulting and Services
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Journey Evolution

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