Rossen Law Firm

Rossen Law Firm

Lawyers and Law Firms in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

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6400 N. Andrews Ave, Suite 505,
Fort Lauderdale , Florida 33309 UNITED STATES

About Rossen Law Firm

At Rossen Law Firm, criminal defense attorney Adam Rossen has been providing aggressive representation inside the courtroom, as well as thoughtful and compassionate advice outside of it. After years working as an prosecutor, Adam turned his focus to protecting the rights of those charged with a crime. Today, he uses the unique knowledge and skills developed as a prosecutor to help his clients minimize the negative consequences of being arrested and charged with a crime.


Rossen Law Firm 754-206-6200
6400 N. Andrews Ave, Suite 505,
Fort Lauderdale , Florida 33309 UNITED STATES
Rossen Law Firm

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