Childcare Concierge

Childcare Concierge

Child Care and Day Care Centers in Whippany, NJ

Child Care and Day Care Centers

Contact us


26 Fieldstone Drive,
Whippany , NJ 07981 UNITED STATES

About Childcare Concierge

Childcare Concierge is part of the Au Pair Program providing live-in childcare. Our emphasis is on affordable, reliable, flexible and customized care while providing great benefits though rewarding cultural exchange and building long-lasting relationships with people around the world.

Benefits of an Au Pair:
1. Live-in childcare
2. Affordable cost lower than nannies.
3. Exposure to another culture and language.
4. Flexible hours, nannies have a set schedule.
5. They are from other countries and are in the US on a J-Visa, therefore, they are here for a set period of time 6, 9 & 12 months.

Let us help you in determining if an Au Pair is right for you. Our Au Pair's come from over 30 countries are carefully trained and screened. We match the perfect Au Pair with the perfect family and provide on-going year-round support.


Childcare Concierge 201-675-3393
26 Fieldstone Drive,
Whippany , NJ 07981 UNITED STATES
Childcare Concierge

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Childcare Concierge
Child Care and Day Care Centers
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Childcare Concierge

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