5 Star Transmissions

5 Star Transmissions

Auto Repair in Dothan, AL

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

Contact us


1210 W Main,
Dothan , AL 36301 UNITED STATES

About 5 Star Transmissions

Star Transmissions is family and veteran owned! It is our goal to help you save money while building a relationship of trust that will last for years to come. We are happy to offer our auto repair services in Dothan, AL! We are grateful that you have taken the time to check out our services.

5 Star Transmissions has a proud and dedicated auto repair shop. Our crew has years of experience diagnosing and repairing a multitude of vehicles. You can trust our team to take care of all of your auto repair needs. From simple oil changes to transmission repairs, our team can do it!

Over 25 years’ experience! No job too big or small. In-house financing available!

Thank you for taking the time to check out our family and veteran owned company. We would appreciate the opportunity to earn your business!


5 Star Transmissions 334-792-2334
1210 W Main,
Dothan , AL 36301 UNITED STATES
5 Star Transmissions

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5 Star Transmissions
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5 Star Transmissions

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