The Pit Cleaner

The Pit Cleaner

Home Services in Snoqualmie, WA

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7704 376th Ave SE,
Snoqualmie , WA 98065 UNITED STATES

About The Pit Cleaner

Taking care of Seattle catch basin cleaning is a very important job. This system is in place to help prevent pollution of nearby water systems as well as flooding. In order to make that happen, the storm grates and collection device must be cleaned thoroughly, and on a regular basis. At The Pit Cleaner, we take this niche field seriously. Our technicians are all highly trained and experienced in this field of industrial cleaning. We care about this service because it not only helps keep other local businesses up and running, it also helps to protect the environment in this community we care about.


The Pit Cleaner 206-330-4240
7704 376th Ave SE,
Snoqualmie , WA 98065 UNITED STATES
The Pit Cleaner

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The Pit Cleaner
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catch basin repairs
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The Pit Cleaner

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