Yoga Bhoga

Yoga Bhoga

Yoga & Pilates Classes in Portland, OR

Yoga & Pilates Classes

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1028 SE Water Ave Suite 265,
Portland , OR 97214 UNITED STATES

About Yoga Bhoga

Yoga Bhoga is located in Portland, Oregon. We are a collective of teachers that blend a wide variety of experiences and lineages. This provides a unique opportunity in our classes to explore and practice different styles of body alignment, breath work, and sequencing. This experience ultimately leads to a personal practice that is unique and perfect for you. Our studio is a simple space. When you step through the door, everything falls away: your bag, your shoes, your stress. It’s just you and your mat - the perfect environment to build strength, increase flexibility, and develop mental clarity.


Yoga Bhoga 503-241-5058
1028 SE Water Ave Suite 265,
Portland , OR 97214 UNITED STATES
Yoga Bhoga

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Yoga Bhoga
Yoga & Pilates Classes
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yoga,  yoga studio,  yoga class vinayasa
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Yoga Bhoga

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