Mantra Dhevi Spa - Thai Massage in Boston

Mantra Dhevi Spa - Thai Massage in Boston

Cosmetics & Beauty Supply in Boston, MA

Cosmetics & Beauty Supply

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8 Academy Hill Road,
Boston , MA 02135 UNITED STATES

About Mantra Dhevi Spa - Thai Massage in Boston

The art of therapeutic Thai massage began 2,500 years ago, by the work of Buddha’s physician.
Mantra Dhevi Spa, the best Thai massage in Brighton, staffed by professional massage therapists who specialize in authentic Thai massage. The brand’s specialty lies in maintaining authenticity by appointing native therapy from Thailand for the services. The essential oils and aromatic herbs are also imported from Thailand to keep the flavor of authenticity intact. Mantra Dhevi provides the ideal setting for the continuous pursuit of inner and outer beauty. But, if meditation, yoga or other forms of physical and spiritual wellness is what you’re after, you can count on finding the perfect place for that too. Our Services covers A-Z every option you can possibly imagine.


Mantra Dhevi Spa - Thai Massage in Boston 617-782-7999
8 Academy Hill Road,
Boston , MA 02135 UNITED STATES
Mantra Dhevi Spa - Thai Massage in Boston

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Mantra Dhevi Spa - Thai Massage in Boston
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Mantra Dhevi Spa - Thai Massage in Boston

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