J. Woods Plumbing & Drain Cleaning

J. Woods Plumbing & Drain Cleaning

Home Services in Bakersfield, CA

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9809 Balvanera Ave,
Bakersfield , CA 93312 UNITED STATES

About J. Woods Plumbing & Drain Cleaning

When your septic tank goes bad, you definitely want to have that fixed as soon as possible. In addition to that, as long as you need to have your drains cleaned, your plumbing done, or any other thing taken care of, you are easily able to call us! Are there any pipes that need to be taken care of? If so, we are able to go under the sink, in the basement, or in the garage to fix those pipes! On top of that, you are able to have us when you need help installing plumbing material for your new home, such as in remodeling. Our plumbers are experienced and are able to handle the job well!


J. Woods Plumbing & Drain Cleaning 661-577-4294
9809 Balvanera Ave,
Bakersfield , CA 93312 UNITED STATES
J. Woods Plumbing & Drain Cleaning

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