Silvercrest Baptist Church

Silvercrest Baptist Church

Churches in Augusta, GA


Contact us


3431 Peach Orchard Rd.,
Augusta , GA 30906 UNITED STATES

About Silvercrest Baptist Church

Welcome to Silvercrest Baptist Church. We are a loving caring fellowship of believers leading others to Jesus. We worship together and focus on God's word. Celebrating 64 years of fellowship in Augusta, Georgia our mission is Being the Salt and Light in South Augusta. Our current service times are Sunday Morning, We have Sunday School starting at 9:45 Am and Morning Worship at 11:00 AM, Wednesday Evenings we have Prayer & Bible Study at 6:00 Pm. We invite you and your family to worship with us and experience the mercy and grace that God gives us through His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord!


Silvercrest Baptist Church 706-793-2239
3431 Peach Orchard Rd.,
Augusta , GA 30906 UNITED STATES
Silvercrest Baptist Church

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Silvercrest Baptist Church
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silvercrest baptist church,  baptist churches,  churches
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Silvercrest Baptist Church

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