Paul Davis Restoration of West County

Paul Davis Restoration of West County

Contractors in Fenton, MO


Contact us


804 Horan Dr,
Fenton , MO 63026 UNITED STATES

About Paul Davis Restoration of West County

Helping people through chaotic, stressful situations is what best describes what every person at Paul Davis Restoration does each day. Yes, we have a staff that has experience, motivation, professionalism, and all the industry training and certifications expected and required. What separates us from everyone else is that we CARE and have true COMPASSION for the actual people we also call customers. This passion for not only restoring homes but also restoring lives starts at the top with our president who has owned this local Paul Davis office for over 25 years. Many members of our team have been in the restoration industry for over 15 years. They have seen every possible bad thing that can happen to a property owner: fire, storm damage, hurricanes, entirely flooded offices, vehicles crashing into businesses, disgusting sewage backups. Dealing with such negative situations each day is not for everyone. But our team has enough experience seeing the joyful side when a family moves back into their fully restored home or the relief on a business owner’s face when they realize they can open back up sooner than they imagined. That end result is what drives everyone at Paul Davis Restoration to do the best they can for everyone we encounter each day.


Paul Davis Restoration of West County 636-324-4011
804 Horan Dr,
Fenton , MO 63026 UNITED STATES
Paul Davis Restoration of West County

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Paul Davis Restoration of West County

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