Duany Nygon, MD

Duany Nygon, MD

Doctors in New Albany, IN


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2109 Green Valley Road,
New Albany , IN 47150 UNITED STATES

About Duany Nygon, MD

Dr. Duany received her Doctorate of MedicineĀ in 2005 and completed a general surgery internship at the Indiana University School of Medicine. She completed her Orthopedic Residency at Howard University in Washington D.C. and a Sports Medicine Fellowship at the Wellington Sports Medicine University of Cincinnati. While pursuing her undergraduate degree at Bradley University, she played collegiate Division 1 basketball. Since 2006, she has provided team coverage for a number of university and high school sports teams and will continue to do so in southern Indiana. Her primary focus will be Sports Medicine services for both adult and young athletes as well as the diagnosis, treatment and surgery of a wide-variety of orthopedics for the general community.


Duany Nygon, MD 812-944-4720
2109 Green Valley Road,
New Albany , IN 47150 UNITED STATES
Duany Nygon, MD

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