Scenic Paving

Scenic Paving

Contractors in Hillside, NJ


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550 Hwy 22 East,
Hillside , NJ 07205 UNITED STATES

About Scenic Paving

Scenic Paving Contractors is now a third generation family owned and operated business, serving Union, Essex, Morris, Somerset and Middlesex Counties for 45 years. “Nobody does it better” and is more reliable than Scenic. Here at Scenic nothing is more important than complete customer satisfaction. Our prices are competitive and all work is completely guaranteed. Along with having state of the art equipment, our company’s largest assets are our people, reputation and ability to work together to give the customer the quality you deserve.


Scenic Paving 908-687-3600
550 Hwy 22 East,
Hillside , NJ 07205 UNITED STATES
Scenic Paving

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