Meditation Sans Frontières

Meditation Sans Frontières

Non For Profit Organizations in Seattle, WA

Non For Profit Organizations

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4701 SW Admiral Way, #129
Seattle , WA 98116 UNITED STATES

About Meditation Sans Frontières

NIGEL LOTT & MEDITATION SANS FRONTIERES are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization and charity with a mission to serve humanity in its search for truth beyond suffering, for peace beyond travail, utilizing often groundbreaking practices that heal without limitation and available to all.

Bringing trauma-conscious programs that can heal the deepest emotional, psychological wounds. To teach healing practices, techniques, meditations, and spiritual healing paths that can profoundly facilitate the relief of suffering and, to act as guides in that evolutionary process for all that knock on its door.


Meditation Sans Frontières 206-487-3993
4701 SW Admiral Way, #129
Seattle , WA 98116 UNITED STATES
Meditation Sans Frontières

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Meditation Sans Frontières
Non For Profit Organizations
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Meditation Sans Frontières

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