Whole Health Clinical Group

Whole Health Clinical Group

Counseling & Mental Health in Milwaukee, WI

Counseling & Mental Health Hospitals and Medical Centers Doctors

Contact us


932 South 60th Street,
Milwaukee , WI 53214 UNITED STATES

About Whole Health Clinical Group

Whole Health Clinical Group (WHCG), a leading non-profit organization since 1970, provides primary care, behavioral health, and community services. WHCG serves over 3000 individuals throughout Milwaukee County. We provide evidence-based services for individuals with serious mental illness, addiction, trauma, and poor health who live in poverty and homelessness.

Our integrated approach of providing a behavioral health medical home improves the health and quality of life for those we serve. Patients can expect improved health outcomes while solving social health determinants. They also experience fewer episodes of hospitalization, ED visits, spend more days in housing, are satisfied with the services they receive, and gain access to income and health insurance.

WHCG has partnered with Cardinal Capital Management, Forward Community Investments (FCI), Aurora Health Systems, Milwaukee HealthCare Partnership, Tri-City Bank, and many other philanthropic supporters. As a result, WHCG is opening a new 25,000sq ft. Health Center with the capacity to serve 6,000 patients. This new building is located at 932 S. 60th St. West Allis, WI 53214.

Our services include:
1. Primary Care Services
2. Crisis intervention
3. Case Management (3 different levels)
4. Counseling & Addiction Treatment
5. Pharmacy Medication Management
6. Health, Wellness Prevention Services.
7. Peer Support
8. Benefit Advocacy


Whole Health Clinical Group 414-476-9675
932 South 60th Street,
Milwaukee , WI 53214 UNITED STATES
Whole Health Clinical Group

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Whole Health Clinical Group
Counseling & Mental Health
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Whole Health Clinical Group

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