Brush With Success Painting Lexington

Brush With Success Painting Lexington

Contractors in Lexington, KY


Contact us


3338 Commodore Dr.,
Lexington , KY 40502 UNITED STATES

About Brush With Success Painting Lexington

Years ago I got into this business because it was a way to feed my growing family with a relatively low entry barrier. After all, you don't need a degree to paint. However, it does take dedication, training & time to do it right.
We started Miller Remodeling and Painting to work on people's homes. I worked with my father for a long time. We did a lot of good and I am happy with all the time I spent working with him.
I found out that I really truly enjoy painting. There is something about the realization of a goal, a transformation of a project, that continues to motivate me to serve folks in this way. I hope I can show you what I mean on your house or office, too.
Fast forward a few years to now. I've now got 2 full-time painters on staff. My son works for me now as well as another painter I have known and respected for years. We are still a family business. I still enjoy painting.
And, I am looking forward to meeting you and showing you what I can do, too.


Brush With Success Painting Lexington 859-545-3633
3338 Commodore Dr.,
Lexington , KY 40502 UNITED STATES
Brush With Success Painting Lexington

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