Louie's Gen-Gen Room

Louie's Gen-Gen Room

Professional Services in San Francisco, CA

Professional Services

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871 Sutter St,
San Francisco , CA 94109 UNITED STATES

About Louie's Gen-Gen Room

The final straw was when she tossed our checked bags at our table and said "Thank you, have a good night" and we just looked at each other, got up, and left. I guess this isn't a place where you can just get one drink and talk for an hour--felt like the expectation was that you had to chug it and go.



Louie's Gen-Gen Room 415-440-5446
871 Sutter St,
San Francisco , CA 94109 UNITED STATES
Louie's Gen-Gen Room

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Louie's Gen-Gen Room
Professional Services
Not Rated
american (new) wine bars cocktail bars
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Louie's Gen-Gen Room

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