Hendrick Collision Center of Rock Hill

Hendrick Collision Center of Rock Hill

Auto Repair in Rock Hill, SC

Auto Repair Auto Glass

Contact us


735 Automal Parkway,
Rock Hill , SC 29732 UNITED STATES

About Hendrick Collision Center of Rock Hill

When your vehicle is repaired at Hendrick Collision Center Rock Hill, it goes through an extensive process that focuses on detail, efficiency, speed and high-quality service. From the moment you are greeted to the moment you leave in your vehicle, we ensure that you’re taken care of every step of the way.

Our auto repair team works closely with insurance companies while providing limited lifetime warranties on body and paint repairs. From start to finish, our body shop team makes sure you and your vehicle are taken care of so you can get back on the road safely. Contact us today for a free estimate!

Our auto repair services include:
- Body repair and refinish
- Frame/unibody alignment and repair
- Glass replacement
- Paintless dent repair (pdr)
- Suspension/steering alignment
- Interior/exterior detail
- Vehicle rental services


Hendrick Collision Center of Rock Hill 803-909-9220
735 Automal Parkway,
Rock Hill , SC 29732 UNITED STATES
Hendrick Collision Center of Rock Hill

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Hendrick Collision Center of Rock Hill
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Hendrick Collision Center of Rock Hill

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