Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet

Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet

Auto Repair in Tallahassee, FL

Auto Repair Auto Glass

Contact us


407 Junco Court,
Tallahassee , FL 32304 UNITED STATES

About Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet

Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet - Collision Center is a collision center and body shop in Tallahassee, FL serving all your car repair needs.

Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet is a state-of-the-art auto repair center that services all makes and models, not just Chevrolet! Our Tallahassee collision center can fix all vehicle models. Whether you need significant car repair or minor cosmetic fixes, Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet can exceed your needs. We pride ourselves on quality auto repair work, professional collision center employees, and compatibility with all major insurance companies.

Our expert factory-trained technicians will walk you through each step of the auto repair process, from the initial inspection to the final reveal. Hendrick Collision Dale Earnahrdt Jr. Chevrolet provides precise repairs and quick turnarounds to get you back on the road safely. We use OEM-approved parts for every repair and are expert paint matchers. Experience the Hendrick difference!

Our auto repair services include:
- Body repair and refinish
- Frame/unibody alignment and repair
- Glass replacement
- Paintless dent repair (pdr)
- Suspension/steering alignment
- Interior/exterior detail
- Vehicle rental services


Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet 850-574-7971
407 Junco Court,
Tallahassee , FL 32304 UNITED STATES
Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet

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Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet
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Hendrick Collision Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chevrolet

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