Honda of El Cerrito

Honda of El Cerrito

Auto Dealers in El Cerrito, CA

Auto Dealers Auto Repair Auto Parts and Accessories

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11755 San Pablo Avenue,
El Cerrito , CA 94530 UNITED STATES

About Honda of El Cerrito

Honda of El Cerrito has been in business for over 40 years. Our award-winning sales and service departments are proud to say that our strength comes in our belief that customer satisfaction is everything. We offer all the most popular new Honda models to choose from such as the Accord, Civic, Passport, CR-V, HR-V, and Odyssey. We can even help if you are looking for a used car. Our Honda service center offers all the most essential services that you might need; from routine maintenance to in-depth repairs, our team can do it all. Our Honda lease and loan center offers a fast, easy application process and affordable rates on the vehicles that you want.


Honda of El Cerrito 510-860-4470
11755 San Pablo Avenue,
El Cerrito , CA 94530 UNITED STATES
Honda of El Cerrito

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Honda of El Cerrito

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