Chandrasekhar Vasamreddy, MD

Chandrasekhar Vasamreddy, MD

Doctors in Independence, MO


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19550 East 39th St, Ste 215
Independence , MO 64057 UNITED STATES

About Chandrasekhar Vasamreddy, MD

Dr. Vasamreddy earned his medical degree from S. V. Medical College in Tirupathi, India. He completed his internship and residency in internal medicine at Harbor Hospital in Baltimore, MD. He was a research fellow at the Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. He completed his cardiology fellowship and an additional year of fellowship in cardiac electrophysiology at the University of Oklahoma Health Science Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He is board-certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular disease, adult comprehensive echocardiography, nuclear cardiology, and board eligible in clinical cardiac electrophysiology. He was involved in atrial fibrillation ablation research at Johns Hopkins and published his work in peer reviewed journals. His areas of expertise include invasive catheter ablation of various cardiac rhythm disorders as well as device implantation for various cardiac conditions.


Chandrasekhar Vasamreddy, MD 816-478-9071
19550 East 39th St, Ste 215
Independence , MO 64057 UNITED STATES
Chandrasekhar Vasamreddy, MD

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