Leinback Bruce A PA

Leinback Bruce A PA

Lawyers and Law Firms in Tallahassee, FL

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1820 Miccosukee Commons Dr,
Tallahassee , FL 32308 UNITED STATES

About Leinback Bruce A PA

We are committed to providing all of our clients with efficient, professional representation, in and out of the courtroom. Many of the cases we handle, especially family law matters, involve sensitive personal issues. Our attorneys and staff work closely with our clients to address their special needs. In these difficult times, we are especially sensitive to the economic situations of our clients, and we strive to resolve their legal issues as efficiently as possible, consistent with achieving a satisfactory outcome.- Marital & Family Law- Criminal Law- Labor & Employment- Construction Law- DUI


Leinback Bruce A PA 850-942-9700
1820 Miccosukee Commons Dr,
Tallahassee , FL 32308 UNITED STATES
Leinback Bruce A PA

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