Rasko Digital Marketing

Rasko Digital Marketing

Advertising and Design Services in Lake Oswego, Oregon

Advertising and Design Services

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3930 Carman Dr,
Lake Oswego , Oregon 97035 UNITED STATES

About Rasko Digital Marketing

If you represent a nonprofit, you must apply to receive Google Grants. IT’S FREE MONEY! By enrolling in Google Grants, your nonprofit will receive $10,000 in ad credits every month to use on Google AdWords. However, many nonprofits are not aware of this and do not enroll. And many that do enroll do not use it enough. AdWords is a complex program and purchasing advertising through it is not as cut and dry as buying ad space in print. Give me a call to learn more.



Rasko Digital Marketing 503-558-6500
3930 Carman Dr,
Lake Oswego , Oregon 97035 UNITED STATES
Rasko Digital Marketing

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Rasko Digital Marketing
Advertising and Design Services
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google grants,  google adwords
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Rasko Digital Marketing

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