Ihrcke Masonry Inc.

Ihrcke Masonry Inc.

Contractors in West Milwaukee, WI


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1802 S 55th St,
West Milwaukee , WI 53214 UNITED STATES

About Ihrcke Masonry Inc.

If you live in West Milwaukee, WI or the surrounding areas and are looking for a company with extensive experience in brick masonry and masonry restoration for your project, you are in the right place. Our contractors bring 35 years of experience in the industry to each project we undertake. We are fully equipped to undertake your project with a high level of competency. Ihrcke Masonry Inc. in West Milwaukee, WI is licensed and insured for your protection.

Our services include masonry restoration, brick replacement, masonry waterproofing and chimney rebuilding. We are friendly, reliable, and very patient with all of our clients. Also, we deliver in a professional and timely manner without skimping on quality. We make our clients feel like they are cared for and they are not just another job. We strive to meet customer expectations at first delivery. Our clients are very impressed with the quality of work that we provide. Also, we are very creative and pay close attention to every detail. We will re-fix, remodel or build anything you need. We offer free estimates and reasonable pricing.

Call Ihrcke Masonry Inc. in West Milwaukee, WI at 414-628-5174 now to discuss your brick masonry or masonry restoration needs with our experts, to schedule an appointment with us as well as to find out more about all of our available services.


Ihrcke Masonry Inc. 414-628-5174
1802 S 55th St,
West Milwaukee , WI 53214 UNITED STATES
Ihrcke Masonry Inc.

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Ihrcke Masonry Inc.

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