Michael Steven Stone

Michael Steven Stone

Counseling & Mental Health in Los Angeles, CA

Counseling & Mental Health Advertising and Design Services Business Consulting and Services

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1270 S Alfred St, Unit 352216
Los Angeles , CA 90035 UNITED STATES

About Michael Steven Stone

I have been a successful sales person since the day I started. Often times I joke with people that I came out of the womb wearing a headset. My love for people and more importantly my desire to help them is what makes me a phenomenal salesperson, sales trainer and consultant. We are not here as sales people to convince anyone of anything or tell them what we think they need to hear. I am simply engaged in a human being conversation with another human being. If my product or service helps make your life better than I feel great asking you for your business. The reason is that I am not asking you for your business. I am simply asking if you want to buy my product or service because you and I have established that it will help you. This is the foundation of sales, the emotionally clean manner in which we approach our fellows. Call me at 213-293-8832 or email me at gradyboy1@gmail.com


Michael Steven Stone 213-293-8832
1270 S Alfred St, Unit 352216
Los Angeles , CA 90035 UNITED STATES
Michael Steven Stone

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Michael Steven Stone
Counseling & Mental Health
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Michael Steven Stone

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