Everitt & Maisel

Everitt & Maisel

Dentists in Clark, NJ


Contact us


625 Raritan Rd,
Clark , NJ 07066 UNITED STATES

About Everitt & Maisel

We have been treating patients in this area since 1977 (Dr. Everitt) and 1986 (Dr. Maisel). In 1991 we moved our growing general practice into our office on Raritan Road in Clark.

We practice modern, comprehensive dentistry with an emphasis on prevention and conservative treatment planning. Both of us, after dental school, trained at major teaching hospitals and devote a large amount of time to continuing education. With an exceptional staff of talented people we form an experienced, dedicated team to provide you and your family with the best dental care possible.


Everitt & Maisel 732-382-0500
625 Raritan Rd,
Clark , NJ 07066 UNITED STATES
Everitt & Maisel

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