Bread N Butter Presents

Bread N Butter Presents

Business To Business in Chicago, Illinois

Business To Business

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1420 South Michigan Avenue,
Chicago , Illinois 60605 UNITED STATES

About Bread N Butter Presents

Founded by influential experts in production, promotions, and brand development; we specialize in event management, ticketing, luxury concierge service, and live music. We specialize in concert production, bottle service accommodations, and entertainment marketing. Our team has the IN with the best nightclubs in Chicago to provide you the best experiences locally. From nightlife to hip hop concerts, Bread N Butter Presents can help you find the best events in town tonight...



Bread N Butter Presents 773-559-9532
1420 South Michigan Avenue,
Chicago , Illinois 60605 UNITED STATES
Bread N Butter Presents

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Company name
Bread N Butter Presents
Business To Business
Not Rated
concert production,  nightlife concierge,  bottle service chicago entertainment marketing
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Bread N Butter Presents

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