Marie McCleskey Photography

Marie McCleskey Photography

Arts & Entertainment in Marietta, GA

Arts & Entertainment Photo and Video

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Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES

About Marie McCleskey Photography

Description: I photograph products and people and I love both! Challenges are what make this career fun; rarely are the same items or people photographed in the same way. With a degree in commercial photography and over a decade of experience, my enthusiasm for this career continues to grow! I received my formal education from Brooks Institute of Photography and my real world education from an amazing photographer and mentor, Rick Jerry. When I am not in the studio or in front of the computer, I am trying something I haven't yet done. I want to do it all... well, maybe not skydiving. I love being southern, I enjoy travel, wine, wit, and sincerity. I don't know a stranger and I work well with everyone.
Services: Product Photography, Executive Portrait, Commercial Photography


Marie McCleskey Photography 404-471-3948
Marietta , GA 30062 UNITED STATES
Marie McCleskey Photography

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Marie McCleskey Photography
Arts & Entertainment
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photographer,  session-photography
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Marie McCleskey Photography

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