Poly-Stone Planters

Poly-Stone Planters

Lawn & Garden Equipment in Kansas City, KS

Lawn & Garden Equipment

Contact us


428 S. 55th St.,
Kansas City , KS 66106 UNITED STATES

About Poly-Stone Planters

Poly-Stone Planters are proudly made in the USA in Kansas City, KS., a great place to make beautiful planters. Our planters are handmade with the utmost attention to detail to ensure that our products last and look great for many years.


Poly-Stone Planters 913-371-8900
428 S. 55th St.,
Kansas City , KS 66106 UNITED STATES
Poly-Stone Planters

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Poly-Stone Planters
Lawn & Garden Equipment
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custom garden planters,  garden planters
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Poly-Stone Planters

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