Lawyers and Law Firms in Dallas, TX
Lawyers and Law Firms
2608 Hibernia,
Ste 201
Dallas ,
If someone intentionally or negligently harms someone else, he or she is legally liable for the resulting injuries. Personal injury is an area of civil law that allows individuals who suffer to obtain fair compensation for their losses. At the Law Office of Stephen W. Shoultz, we have over 35 years of experience handling personal injury cases. Our Dallas, TX team helps injured individuals secure compensation to cover the costs associated with injuries, ongoing medical care, lost wages and future income, loss of quality of life, and other areas of loss. Every case is different, and we use our legal expertise to develop strong cases and advocate for our clients’ rights.
Experienced personal injury attorneys are not ambulance chasers looking to make a fast paycheck. In fact, we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you will never pay for our services unless we secure compensation on your behalf. Our job is to hold careless and malicious individuals legally and financially responsible for their actions, to help you find closure, and to give you a chance to recover as much as possible after a devastating incident.
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