Integrity Tire

Integrity Tire

Auto Repair in Lake Elsinore, CA

Auto Repair Gas & Service Stations Auto Parts and Accessories

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25311 Railroad Canyon Rd,
Lake Elsinore , CA 92532 UNITED STATES

About Integrity Tire

Integrity Tire is the local source for tires and auto repair in Southern California. With locations in Moreno Valley, Hemet, San Bernardino, Colton, Yucaipa, Menifee and Hesperia, CA, we are sure to have a location near you. We offer a variety of auto repair services, including auto air conditioning repair, wheel alignments, oil changes, brake repair, muffler repair, California state inspections and much more! Also, check out our large selection of tires in our online tire catalog from brands like Goodyear, Dunlop, Kelly, Leamans and more!


Integrity Tire 951-244-9229
25311 Railroad Canyon Rd,
Lake Elsinore , CA 92532 UNITED STATES
Integrity Tire

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