B-Dry Waterproofing

B-Dry Waterproofing

Contractors in Lexington, Kentucky


Contact us


1224 Morning Side Dr.,
Lexington , Kentucky 40509 UNITED STATES

About B-Dry Waterproofing

Your home's foundation serves a critically important purpose. It's also surprisingly porous. Water can enter through wall cracks and mortar joints, up through cracks in the floor, over the footing, under the footing, and by bleeding and sweating of the walls caused by hydrostatic pressure. If you find standing water in your basement or crawlspace, discover cracks in the foundation, or see that your basement walls are wet, then Wet Basement Wall you have a potential water intrusion problem.


B-Dry Waterproofing 859-744-7500
1224 Morning Side Dr.,
Lexington , Kentucky 40509 UNITED STATES
B-Dry Waterproofing

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B-Dry Waterproofing
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waterproofing,  basement waterproofing
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B-Dry Waterproofing

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