Waller Ray DDS

Waller Ray DDS

Dentists in Clarkston, WA


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1303 16th Ave.,
Clarkston , WA 99403 UNITED STATES

About Waller Ray DDS

Ray Waller, DDS, prides ourselves on providing the very best in dental care for Clarkston, WA and the surrounding areas.Keeping a healthy mouth is a vital part to maintaining your overall health, but many people, young and old alike, are uncomfortable or even afraid of going to the dentist. Comforting fearful patients, from children to adults, and making them feel at ease, is our specialty.


Waller Ray DDS 509-751-9216
1303 16th Ave.,
Clarkston , WA 99403 UNITED STATES
Waller Ray DDS

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Waller Ray DDS
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Waller Ray DDS

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