Evans-Brown Hemet Valley Crematory

Evans-Brown Hemet Valley Crematory

Funeral Homes & Directors in Murrieta, CA

Funeral Homes & Directors

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41725 Elm Street,
Murrieta , CA 92562 UNITED STATES

About Evans-Brown Hemet Valley Crematory

Our Pre-Planning Services make it easy for you to get your express wishes down in writing, ensuring that you have the kind of memorial service you truly desire and that your friends and loved ones can have total peace of mind that they are adhering to your wishes. We host Burial Services that convey both the solemnity of the occasion, but also the joy that comes from celebrating the life of a dear loved one. We are happy to attend to all aspects of the service, and we invite our guests to linger as long as they wish, fully enjoying a special and intimate time with friends and family. For those who choose it, we also offer Cremation Services; cremation can be a meaningful way in which many families mark the death of a loved one. We offer services tailored to honor those who are military service members and veterans, as well.


Evans-Brown Hemet Valley Crematory 951-677-0552
41725 Elm Street,
Murrieta , CA 92562 UNITED STATES
Evans-Brown Hemet Valley Crematory

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Evans-Brown Hemet Valley Crematory
Funeral Homes & Directors
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cemeteries,  cremation services,  funeral director mortuaries
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Evans-Brown Hemet Valley Crematory

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