Northside Foreign Car Inc

Northside Foreign Car Inc

Automotive in Bethlehem, PA

Automotive Auto Repair Auto Inspection Stations (emissions)

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821 Monocacy St,
Bethlehem , PA 18018 UNITED STATES

About Northside Foreign Car Inc

At Northside Foreign Car, we believe that expertise is something everyone should be able to count on. We know how much you rely on your car, and that where you choose to take it is an important decision. It is our goal to make sure you have the peace of mind that comes with having a trusted local mechanic that treats you like a friend. Trained in Germany, Hayat Nassry has worked in the automotive service industry since 1963, and is an expert on all varieties of foreign and domestic car repair. He?s been fixing cars in the Lehigh Valley for 40 years, making sure his customers? cars get the best care possible. He and his staff would love to meet you and provide the level of care that only 50 years of training can provide, all with the atmosphere and pricing of your neighborhood garage.


Northside Foreign Car Inc 610-867-4259
821 Monocacy St,
Bethlehem , PA 18018 UNITED STATES
Northside Foreign Car Inc

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Northside Foreign Car Inc
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Northside Foreign Car Inc

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